TEA RITUAL & CEREMONY is all about reciprocity; Serving Love and Serving Grace. We give back to Self when we Commune with Tea. Learn to Sit Tea With Me. Or join me In Ceremony.


Done alone or within the community, RITUAL HAPPENS when we bring attention and intention to actions and activities. Yoga as Ritual. Tea as Ritual and Daily Meditation. Learn to Sit in Silence in a more balanced way. SIT WITH ME WITH TEA. Or learn to Sit With Yourself. Full Moon and New Moon Ritual. Vision Boards, Wood-Carving and Hand-Built Pottery Sessions as Meditation and Ritual.


IN COMMUNION. With friends and family. Steps with purpose, taken together, and to celebrate, or mourn and move through. Steps taken with care and with love. Guided and sometimes quiet. At times, with uproarious laughter and maybe even to tears. For Seasons and Life-Transitions, Weddings and Endings. For when Life Needs Our Attention. To Heal the Earth and Each Other.


Healing and heartfelt, SOUND IS, over and over, THE MEDICINE OF THE FUTURE. Singing Bowls, Gong & Drum Medicine, Tuning Forks and Chimes to deeply ease the muscles and nervous system. Alchemical and clarifying, tuningYIN™ protocols, to address the Chakras, Meridians and various physiological systems of the material and energetic body. SOUND HEALING is both a Meditation and a Therapeutic Bodywork Session.


SIT TEA WITH ME and then Learn to Sit Tea WITH YOU. Over time, we’ll Sit Sweetly Together and if you’d like, I can teach you to Sit Tea with The World. 50HR TEA RITUAL & CEREMONY TRAINING as part of a larger 100/150HR Ritual, Ceremony & Sound Yoga Teacher Training. Yin & Restorative based Yoga that includes Tea & Cacao, Sound and Stone Medicine. Art, Science and Trade. We will learn to better FEEL, EXPERIENCE & LISTEN. These Training Modules will be FULL, RICH & DEEP.